WNBF Classic Physique emphasizes symmetry and presentation, specifically the artistry of posing.
Competitors are judged in two rounds:
Round 1 - Symmetry
This round consists of four quarter turns.
Symmetry encompasses the overall balance and harmony of the physique on all sides and in all muscle groups. Athletes should have broad shoulders, pleasing lines, and a small tapered waist.
The lower body will match the upper body completing a perfect X frame. Having an exemplary muscle group in some cases can make a Bodybuilder stand out, however, Classic Physique competitors must have all muscle groups in proportion.
Round 2 - Musculature & Presentation
This round consists of the Five mandatory Classic Physique muscularity round poses (listed below).
Athletes will be judged on the size, separation, and leanness of their musculature.
While the leanness standard is not lower in Classic Bodybuilding, leanness at the expense of fullness or where dieting leads to a loss of symmetry will hurt Classic competitors' scores. Excessive condition, hardness, or vascularity that harms symmetry will be scored down.
Individual presentation of the athletes "classic physique" look is a focus for judging. Smooth quarter turns and graceful classic posing is crucial. The ability to hold poses without visible effort will positively impact scoring.
Favorite poses should be chosen by the athlete to accentuate their symmetry & musculature.
Note: No Bodybuilding, most muscular, or Men's Physique poses are permitted in Classic Physique.