This page showcases the mandatory poses for the Classic Physique category. These poses are essential for competitors to master and will be evaluated during competitions.
The symmetry round consists of four quarter turns where judges evaluate the overall balance and harmony of the physique from all angles.
The muscularity round consists of mandatory poses that showcase the competitor's physique, muscle development, and classic presentation.
* Favorite poses may include: Rear twisted back double bicep, Side mantis, Rear archer, Victory pose, Teacup pose, Vacuum pose, etc.
Detailed pose demonstrations will be added soon. Please check back later for visual guides on how to properly execute each Classic Physique pose.
Note: Classic Physique emphasizes the artistry of posing with smooth transitions and the ability to hold poses without visible effort. No Bodybuilding most muscular poses or Men's Physique poses are permitted in Classic Physique.